Sunday, May 16, 2010

Stage 1 complete (almost) !

Yesterday, a number of volunteers assembled to pick up all of the organ parts, load them on the truck or into other vehicles, bring them over to the new building and put them in the auditorium.
It took us most of the morning, but everything went according to plan. There's just a pick up load of pipes to get yet and then the storage facility will be empty. Everything is now ready to have the organ builders inspect it and tell us where it all has to be placed on the organ loft and behind the pulpit.
Stairs were built yesterday to get us onto the loft - another important step.
We have a meeting scheduled for Monday evening at 7:30 pm at the new church building to introduce the organ builders, have them meet volunteers and outline what jobs there are to do as well as what each person can do to help out. Please show up if you want to learn more - we can use whatever help is available.
Thanks to the volunteers who helped out with the move yesterday - we really appreciate it.

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