Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Organ Project update - 2011

It's hard to believe it's been so long since I last posted here. A lot has happened in the meantime of course. The church building was finished, we had our official opening, we've been worshipping in the building for months now and using first my old organ and the a better borrowed one for the time being. Meanwhile, work has been progressing behind the scenes (literally) on the pipe organ. A number of volunteers have been busy installing the wind supply as well as untangling and connecting the myriad of electrical wires needed to get power and wind to the organ eventually. Thanks guys for your faithful labours - unseen be many but appreciated by some for now and by many more in the future once we get this organ operational.
Also, there are a number of cantilevered wooden pipes which are in the process of being straightened out before the installation of the pipes begins. Soon we hope to be at a stage of testing whether the electrical parts are working as well as the wind supply and then begins the installation of the actual pipes on the chests. I can sense the momentum building and hope and pray that we may soon start benefitting from the fruits of all the labours behind the scenes.
I'm trying to post a picture which shows the inside of the church completed as well as the facade of the organ. Hope it succeeds. Til next time.
