Saturday, December 8, 2007

Christmas Praise Evening

The Aldergrove Church is having its Christmas Praise Evening this Sunday, December 9, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. in the United Church facility where we currently meet in Aldergrove. We invite you to join us for praise and fellowship. There will be another opportunity to help to build up our Organ Fund and/or Music Fund (towards the purchase of a piano for the new church). If you are in the area, please consider joining us.

Monday, December 3, 2007


Who built the organ?

The organ we acquired was built by the late Mr. Hugo Pilon (he passed away about a year ago on Novermber 30th) of Toronto. He was a long-time organist in the Bethel Canadian Reformed Church and took a leading role over the years in installing and maintaining the pipe organ in that church. At the same time, as a hobby project purely for his own enjoyment and use, he built the organ in his home during the 70's and 80's. Over time, it grew into a "large two manual instrument of some 34 ranks and over 2000 pipes, divided over Great, Swell and Pedal." (quoting from a report on the organ). Because the instrument is going to be installed in a church, some modifications and adjustments will have to be made to suit the new environment. We're going to try to maintain the integrity of the tonal design of the organ as much as possible though.

Northern Organs - we have been using the services of Northern Organs based in Hamilton, ON to consult with us on the removal of the organ as well as consultations on the re-installation in the new church building. This company is the same one that was involved with the installation of the organ in the new Bethel Church in Toronto and they also knew this organ as well as the builder; hence our desire to work with them on a consulting basis.

If you have more questions or comments, please don't hesitate to write or call.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Church News

A note about this project was published in the Church News in the Fraser Valley, BC this past Sunday to publicize and solicit financial support for it. Some comments have been received and answers to some of your questions will be posted later in the week. I don't have time to respond to each single comment. I welcome further questions and comments though and hope that you'll feel inspired to pass on this address to others to check out.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Organ concert

If you're interested in hearing good music and you live in the Vancouver area, there's an excellent opportunity to do so this Friday.
There will be a concert for saxophone and organ (second half of the concert) at the Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, November 9, 2007 featuring Denis Bedard (organist at HRC) and Julia Nolan (saxophonist). Tickets are $20.00/Students and Seniors $12). Check out further details at

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Acoustically Speaking

I've had a couple of conversations yesterday with our organ builder advisers and one of the architects for the new church building. The CDC (Church Development Committee) is using the services of a sound engineer to help them come up with the best possible acoustics for the new building. I think this is an excellent move since acoustics is so key in a church building both from the perspective of speakers and musicians as well as the listening congregation. One of the things the sound engineer is looking at, using a sophisticated computer modelling program, is the optimum placement for the pipe organ. Is it the back or the front, for example. The sound engineer was looking for the acoustical output of the organ, for example, to factor in. While some of us may have our preferences (and biases) towards placement, we'll have to await the results of the study and then as committee we'll consult with both engineer and architect on a final decision. Should prove to be an interesting exercise. If anyone has particular thoughts or insights on this issue, would like to hear it.

Adopt-a-Pipe - please!

Would you like to help us realize our goal of having our own organ installed in our new church building?
Here's your opportunity! For as little as $25.00, you can 'adopt' a pipe and help build our organ. Our organ has about 2,000 pipes in all, from very small to very large. Our fundraising goal is $50, 000. If you, or anyone you know, would like to become a part of this project, please consider making an 'adoption'. Your contribution will be acknowledged with a tax receipt (if you live in Canada) and an invitation to come and listen to your pipe(s) or rank(s) in due time when the organ is installed.
Please mark 'Organ Project' on your cheque. Make out the cheque in the name of 'Canadian Reformed Church of Aldergrove' and send it to PO Box 809, Aldergrove, BC V4W 2V1 and put Organ Project on the outside of the envelope.
We'll keep you posted from time to time and let you know how many 'adoptions' we receive!

Friday, October 5, 2007


This is a picture of the console as it was situated in its original place in Toronto.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Organ specifications

For those who have an interest in this kind of thing, the following are some detailed specifications for the organ which we have acquired for our new church. Some of these may change once we install the organ, depending on the space limitations and other considerations.

Aldergrove Canadian Reformed Church











Principal 8’
Stopped Diapason 8’
Dulciana 8’
Gemshorn 4’
Octave 4’
Nachthorn 4’
Open Flute 4’
Metal Flute 4’
Quint 2 2/3’
Fifteenth 2’
Block Flute 2’
Mixture III
Fagot 8’
GR to GR 4’


Geigen Principal 8’
Rohrflute 8’
Gamba 8’
Celeste 8’
Prestant 4’
Fugara 4’
Quintadeen 4’
Twelfth 2 2/3’
Piccolo 2’
Tierce 1 3/5’
Nazard 1 1/3’
Sifflote 1’
Scharff III
Trumpet 8’
Oboe 8’
Vox Humana 8’
Clarinet 8’
SW to SW 4’

Bourdon 16’
Gedeckt 16’
Octave 8’
Holzbourdon 8’
Choral Bass 4’
Fagot 16’
Fagot 8’
Trumpet 8’
Trumpet 4’

Swell to Great 16’
Swell to Great 8’
Swell to Great 4’
Swell to Pedal 8’
Swell to Pedal 4’
Great to Pedal 8’
Great to Pedal 4’

Project Update - Organ has arrived!

The organ was dismantled at the end of August and then trucked to BC. It is currently in storage until such time as we can start assembling it once more in our new church building. We don't have a projected start date for that just yet. In the meantime, we're making plans for the location and installation of the instrument and fundraising to cover the costs of the project.
Check back here for more information on how you can become a part of this project as well.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Here is a picture of some of the pipework of the organ in its current location in a private home in Toronto. The organ needs to be dismantled and shipped to BC - a project we're currently working on.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Aldergrove Organ Project

This blog has been started to serve as a place where interested parties can go to find out what's happening with the project, to look at pictures, updates and articles of interest related to organs, organ playing and the use of organs in the worship services.
We hope you find it of interest. We may also use this as a means of soliciting funds for the purchase and installation of the instrument in our new church eventually. Questions and comments are welcome.
An organ committee has been established as part of the Music Committee of the Aldergrove Canadian Reformed Church.
The members of this committee (in alphabetical order) are:
Emily deBoer, Harold Ludwig, Scott Vander Molen, Steve Vander Molen

Please contact Harold Ludwig with any questions or comments:
Telephone: 604-852-5812 or email: