Thursday, October 1, 2009

Organ project update - October

Time for another update to the blog. It's 2009 and the building of our new church is proceeding well (check out our church's website for pictures). This means that the time for thinking and planning more seriously for the installation of the organ is here. We'll soon have a meeting with the architect to discuss some ideas for the facade. We've also been talking to various people locally to see if they'd be willing to help with the eventual installation. A work crew needs to be assembled and organized for the time we're ready to move the pieces out of storage and getting them ready for installation.
In the meantime, we're still looking for donations to help pay for the organ purchase as well as possibly for the installation (although an amount has been set aside for that on the budget). If you'd like to help support this project, please check out the details of the Adopt a Pipe fundraiser on this page.
At this time I'd also like to congratulate the American Reformed Church in Lynden, WA which recently acquired a restored pipe organ in their church when they did their recent renovations. I hope to hear it and perhaps play on it one of these days.

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