Saturday, August 7, 2010

Progress report

It's been a while since I last posted. Turns out that summer time is not the greatest for volunteers. That doesn't mean everything has stood still however. Work has progressed on the facade (see picture) and the pipes have been repainted and are ready to be hung up again. The platform that the organ console is to sit on has been built as well. The wind part of the project will be done the week of August 15th, after which the electricians can start connecting all the many wires, etc. Slowly but surely the project is coming together and we look forward to its completion. If you want to volunteer your help, please let me know.
Front view of the organ facade - pipes to be added as yet.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Weeks 4-6 - Project update

Time for a brief update on this project. Things have not been moving too fast on this lately - the emphasis has been on getting the rest of the building and outside ready as much as possible, so that's understandable.
Some things have been done though - speaker cloth has been ordered for the areas between the woodwork and behind the facade pipe; wood and stain have been picked for the facade and actually the wood has already been stained too. The mechanical pieces needed to hold the facade pipes in place have been manufactured (thanks Dan Flokstra) and put in place. Some other pieces have been made as well. On Thursday, Aubrey and a helper will work on putting more of this together. Lighting has also been discussed to see what needs to go where.
Pieces have been cut for another wind channel to be put up - all preparatory work to enable Mindert and company to work on the wind part of the project.
Every piece is important as the puzzle is put together to make a pleasing whole eventually. Can't wait to experience the first sounds coming out of the organ!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Organ project update - Week 3 of installation

Just a quick update - the leather on the bellows has now been replaced with new material by Henry Vandelden. A big thank you to him for getting that done, so other work can continue. The bellows have been brought back to the church and put up on the organ loft. Now the work on the connecting of the chests to the bellows and the wind source can proceed apace. After that, the electrical work will go into full gear.
In the meantime, decisions have been made on the color of the pipes, the woodwork around the pipes and some of the other things needed to hold the whole thing together in the back. A lot of stuff goes on behind the scenes that all contributes to the whole and final product. We'll keep updating here as things progress.
Want to help out with anything, drop me a line or leave a comment here!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Work on the facade

Here are some pictures of the facade pipes hung up so we can get a better idea of what it would look like. The idea is to fill in the spaces with woodwork trim and speaker cloth behind (see image of design posted previously). We've decided to keep the color of the pipes similar to what they were when we received them. Probably we'll paint the curved part a gold color to contrast with the rest of the pipe.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Update on Week 1 & 2

Things got so busy with the organ project during week 1 that I didn't even find time to update the blog. I can report that a lot of progress was made during the week of the 17th and the organ builders were quite pleased with the progress made and the volunteers who showed up to help.
Most of the chests were put up on the loft after stands were made to raise them off the floor and make them more accessible to work at and service in the future. It turned out there was some damage to the bellows (rodents had gotten at some of the leather) so we decided they needed to be redone. Henry Vandelden was kind enough to offer to do that job and they were removed to his shop. By next week they should be ready to put back up on the loft and start connecting the various pieces of pipes to supply the wind to the instrument.
At first it was thought we might not have enough wiring to reach all the way to the console but that turned out not to be the case. They were able to untangle all of the wires and feed them through the floor and conduit to the organ console. The plan is to build a bit of a platform that the organ can sit on and the wiring will then be out of the way underneath that.
The swell box was also built last week and is almost complete. I painted the outside of it black this week so that won't hold anything up.
Work was also begun on the facade and just this afternoon the show pipes were hung temporarily so we can check out to see what they look like and make some decisions about what color to paint them and what trim to use around them to make for a pleasing whole. All in all, some good progress was made in the past two weeks. We thank Mike and John (the organ builders) for coming out and getting us started on this first phase of the project. Now it's up to volunteers to continue the work that needs doing (mostly wind supply and electrical) before they return for their next (and maybe last) visit.
I'll add some pictures shortly to show some of the work in progress.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 1 of Installation Week (1)

I'm using the blog to keep track of the progress on the organ installation. John & Mike arrived from Hamilton this afternoon and got right to work at the church checking out the pieces we had put in place on Saturday. At 7:3o pm we had a meeting with a group of volunteers to introduce them to the project and what needs to be done and the order in which it's going to be done. I was very pleased with the turnout and we'll keep you posted as to when your services are needed.
Tomorrow we will help place most of the chests on the organ loft for placement (we'll use the scissor lift for that purpose). I'll try to get some pictures taken of the various stages as well. I know that some people have been taking pictures and I'd appreciate it if they'd send me some copies to post here.
Arrangements were made with electricians, carpenters, leather workers, etc. for various projects that will need to be tackled this week and in the weeks to come (once the organ builders leave).
If you think you may be able to help out in some way, please give me a call.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Stage 1 complete (almost) !

Yesterday, a number of volunteers assembled to pick up all of the organ parts, load them on the truck or into other vehicles, bring them over to the new building and put them in the auditorium.
It took us most of the morning, but everything went according to plan. There's just a pick up load of pipes to get yet and then the storage facility will be empty. Everything is now ready to have the organ builders inspect it and tell us where it all has to be placed on the organ loft and behind the pulpit.
Stairs were built yesterday to get us onto the loft - another important step.
We have a meeting scheduled for Monday evening at 7:30 pm at the new church building to introduce the organ builders, have them meet volunteers and outline what jobs there are to do as well as what each person can do to help out. Please show up if you want to learn more - we can use whatever help is available.
Thanks to the volunteers who helped out with the move yesterday - we really appreciate it.

Friday, May 7, 2010

It's showtime!

Arrangements are being made for Northern Organs' principals, John Kotlan and Michael Sergi, to arrive in Aldergrove on May 17th. They plan to put in 60 hours of work during the week that they're here. Here's what needs to happen next:
1. Get the organ parts out of storage and bring them to the new church building next Friday or Saturday (or both). We're looking for some trucks and strong hands and backs to help move the equipment into the auditorium.
2. Work together to lift equipment onto the platform and into place according to the plan provided by the organ builders.
3. Work with organ builders to start connecting pieces of the organ - we're particularly needing some people who are able to connect wiring. This would save a lot of time and work for the organ builders and mostly routine. Who will step up to help with this?
4. At the end of the week, the volunteers will be left with a series of instructions on things to do before they organ builders return for another week.
Please let me know if you're willing and able to help.

Cell: 778-808-1121

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's Official -Project to start on May 17th

After further discussions with the builder at the church this morning, we agreed that the builders would be able to come on the 17th of May. That means preparations have to be made to get all of the pieces of the organ out of storage and into the auditorium, ready for assembly.
We'll be looking for some help to get that process underway - truck(s), movers, etc. Please let me know if you're willing and able to volunteer.
In the meantime, Ed Onderwater has spray painted one of the facade pipes to see what it would look like and the verdict is very positive. We hope to have a whole bunch of spiffy looking pipes ready for installation as part of the facade in due time. A thank you now already for all the help with this project. May things continue to go well.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pictures of the Organ Loft during construction

Here are some pictures to show what the organ loft looks like before anything is put in there. It still needs some work before it's ready to lift the various parts of the organ in place.
P.S. According to the contractor, we'll now have to wait until the third week of May before we can begin.

Friday, April 9, 2010

When will the installation process begin?

I took a tour of the building today and discussed the progress being made with the builder. I even had a trip up on the lift truck to take some pictures of the organ loft for the organ builder. If everything goes according to plan, we should be able to start the work of installation during the first week of May, DV. We'll start coordinating plans with the organ builders and volunteers to see how best to manage all of the many tasks involved. Exciting and challenging times ahead as we try to complete this project - something most of us have never done before.
Anyone feeling like helping out (no expertise required), please contact me or any member of the organ committee. You can also just post a comment here.

The pipes are here - for the facade that is!

The pipes to be used in our facade have arrived at our church building and are sitting there waiting to be used and installed into the facade once we're ready for that. Thanks to the Marissens' for picking them up from Edmonton and thanks to the Providence CanRC for letting us have them at such an unbeatable price! We promise to put them to good use. We'll be looking for some help to get them spiffed up and ready to install in due time.
Here are a few excerpts from Jack's email describing the 'adventure' they had in picking them up, etc.

"Well, the pipes were off-loaded last evening. Aubrey & I used the fork lift and some muscle power to get them into the multi-purpose room of the church. The off-loading went well with no difficulties.

Loading up on Monday evening was quite an experience. All the pipes, except for the 4 biggest ones, were all still mounted in the front of the church. However at 7:00 PM, the appointed time, about 10 volunteers showed up and the dismantling began. It quickly became evident that I was over prepared in all the materials I needed to pack the pipes. The Styrofoam was useless as it added too much thickness to the packing. Cutting slots for the pipes in the Styrofoam proved unmanageable and unnecessary. The pipes were very light and simply wrapping them in bubble wrap proved to be sufficient for packing. The upper pipes in each shipping carton would not be too heavy as to cause problems with the lower pipes. (Of course I haven’t opened the boxes here in Aldergrove to see if my theory proved right)

The 10 volunteers proved to be very efficient at dismantling and inundating Wilma & I with pipes. The loading process, with the buttoning up the shipping crates and tying down the crates, proved to take about an hour. Boy, did Wilma & I work to keep up with the volunteers.

Several of the pipes proved to be longer than the shipping crates so some modifications of the crate had to be done as well … we simply removed an end of the crate and the pipes stuck out for the trip back. Rest assured they were wrapped well with bubble wrap.

The trip there and back was uneventful. The truck was a pleasure to drive and proved to be not too costly on fuel."

We may have some pictures up soon to show you part of the dismantling process at least. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More pipes are coming!

Yes, it's true. We've been able to secure pipes to put into our facade from the Providence church in Edmonton. Since they're replacing their organ and will no longer need them, they've let us have them. We thank them for their generosity. We have someone willing to go there in a couple of weeks to pick them up and bring them back here in a crate (to be built yet). It will truly be a pan-Canadian organ. Originally built in Ontario and transported here, assembled (soon) in BC with a facade mostly from Alberta.
We're eagerly awaiting the start of the assembly process (somewhat delayed due to the building not being quite ready for it).

Monday, February 8, 2010

Facade for new organ

Here is the proposed facade for the new organ in our church. Have a look at it and see what you think. Comments are always welcome.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

2010 - Year of the Organ Building

2010 is the year we're supposed to complete the building of the church and the Organ Project can actually get underway as well. This should be an exciting and busy time approaching. Soon I'll be able to post a sketch of the proposed facade.
I've had discussions with the organ builder and they'll be able to get started right after Easter which means early April. In the meantime, we need to get the work crew organized and do some orientation in terms of what is involved in a pipe organ. We're also pursuing getting some pipes to use for the facade. We don't have any suitable pipes in the organ that would lend themselves to being part of the facade and still be functional as well.
If you're reading this and are a member of our congregation (or even if you're not) and you'd like to help with this project, please let me know.